Police reports: Robberies, Man get beaten by machete & Scholl bus driver beaten

Man beaten and robbed

The man with initials H.S.C. who visiting the island filed a report withe Detective Department, stating that on that same day at approximately 07.30 p.m. while on the Board walk in the vicinity of Sea Palace Hotel, he was attacked and beaten by two unknown men of dark complexion. While being beaten and in the attempted to defend himself he was robbed of all personal belongings. After committing the robbery the suspect fled the scene. However during the robbery one of the suspects unknowingly dropped his passport which was confiscated by detectives for further investigation. The holder of this passport with the initials R.R.F.B. who shortly after returned to the scene was arrested by detectives and taken to the police station where he remains in custody for further investigation.


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Man beaten and robbed

The man with initials E.O.W. filed an official report with the Detective department stating that on that same day at approximately 01.15 A.M. he was robbed of his money, cell. phone and other personal belongings by two unknown men driving in a black SUV. The victim stated that he had left work in Cole bay on his way home in Dutch Quarter and had walked to the Kruythoff round-a-bout where shortly after he caught a ride from the driver of a black SUV. Instead of the driver of the SUV driving towards Dutch Quarter, he drove towards Link One. At that same moment he was grabbed from behind by other person who was hidden in the car and a hard object that felt like a fire arm was pushed against the back of his head. He was taken to the dirt road behind of the Learning Unlimited where he was taken out of the vehicle, his personal belongings were taken from him and was severely beaten. After committing this act the suspects drove leaving the victim behind. The victim then walked to the Sint Maarten Medical Center to seek medical attention. The Special Robbery unit is busy investigating this case.

Bus driver beaten by students

A school bus driver with initials L.Y. on Tuesday February 15th filed an official complaint with the Detective Department stating, that on that same day at approximately 03.15 p.m. while letting off several students on the Union road he was attacked and beaten by a student with the initial K. and two other students. L.Y. also stated that he has had difficulties with K in the past concerning his conduct on the bus, but it has never gone this far. Today according to the bus driver he told K to sit while he was driving the bus. K did not approve of that and when the bus stopped he was attacked. L.Y. complained of severe pain to his jaw and had a swollen face. L.Y. was treated by paramedics on the scene and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. L.Y. was at the time not in any condition to give a complete statement. This case is under investigation by the Detective Department.

Man seriously chopped with a machete

On Tuesday February 15th at approximately 05.00 p.m. a very serious case of ill treatment took place on the Well road in Cole bay. The victim with the initials G.M. was severely chopped by the man with initials D.F. from Jamaica with a machete. According to information the victim had an discussion with the brother of the main suspect with the initials J.F. also from Jamaica. The main suspect became angry and ill treated the victim. The victim had very large and open wounds to his head, neck, back and left arm which was almost amputated. The victim was taken in very critical condition to the Sint Maarten Medical Center where he was immediately operated on and where he remains for further treatment and observation. The suspect brother were both arrested shortly after at their home. They remain in custody for further investigating.