Dear members of the Executive Council


Making use of my democratic and citizen rights please permit me to raise the following questions to your honorable and esteem council in regards to the following matter of general interest.

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Before the Island Territory of Saba was transferred in becoming a public entity (Openbaar Lichaam) I was aware that the authority to increase and decrease the price of fuel and the price of bread etc. was the sole responsibility of the Executive Council of the respective Island Territories.

I would like to receive a copy of any ordinance or decree in which the authority to levy prices for fuel and bread etc. no longer is regulated by the Executive Council of the public entity of Saba. Can your Council please afford me the opportunity to know who is now responsible for the granting of permission to increase and decrease the cost of fuel and bread etc?

Seeing that the public entity of Saba according to my information does not have a Department of Economic Affairs can you inform me which department is responsible for the calculations etc. of the prices of fuel and bread etc? And in the event that there is a department that is responsible can your council please inform me and the wider population of Saba in general how this is all being carried out.

It would be of great interest to receive a copy of the pertinent laws covering these issues as soon as possible.

In the same light I would like to receive a copy of the last decree of the Executive Council of Saba backed up with the advices of the Department of Economic Affairs regarding the price of gasoline, diesel and cooking gas, and also a copy of the last decree in which the Executive Council has stipulated the price of bread on the island of Saba. Can I also be afforded the opportunity to receive from your council a breakdown on the last time that the pumps at the gasoline stations have been checked and by whom? Please be specific on this matter with dates and times please

I look forward with much anticipation in receiving your response backed up with the required documentation as a citizen of the public entity of Saba at your earliest convenience.

Respectfully submitted this the 7th day of January 2011.

Dave Levenstone,

Cc: The Minister for Kingdom Affairs, Mr. Piet Donner.

The Acting Kingdom Representative on Bonaire.

Director of the RCN Kralendijk Bonaire.

Members of the Second Chamber in the Netherlands.

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