TLH-SXMF…Tallahassee-St.Maarten Foundation in Tallahassee presents its MAN OF THE YEAR IN St.Maarten

Steel Pan Master Isidore York "Mighty Dow"York

Let our Culture be identified through the eyes of one of our own one of the best in Steel pan and entertainment by executive director Arthur Lugisse

Steel Pan Master Isidore York "Mighty Dow"York a trip is being organized to Tallahassee for Dow’s group ,brother Neville York and his Father Chester York for 2011…Our Steel Pan Talent need to be part of our sister city with Tallahassee exchange program.  

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An award plaque will be sent to be presented by the Minister of Culture Rhoda Arrindell on behalf of our foundation to Steel Pan Master Isidore York "Mighty Dow"York

Ebony Steel Orchestra’s nineteenth annual steel pan Christmas concert entitled "Steel of Class" that was held in an elegant setting at The Westin Dawn Beach St. Maarten Resort and Spa’s event hall Sunday night Dec 26,2010 was a preview of what is yet to come for the 20th Anniversary 2011…Dow told me that his dream is to make his event an ongoing event to attract even tourist to the island the same way that JAZZ events does…and we are going to support him by promoting the event in the United States…AFTER TWO DECADES IT HAS BECOME PART OF OUR CULTURE AND SHOIULD BE RECOGNIZED AS SUCH.

We also have to realise that it’s not by chance but by choice that York family has excelled in that area of Music….The Undisputed Royalty of the Steel Pan, the York family has been playing pan for decades. Learning from his famous father, Chester York, Isidore, better known as the Mighty Dow, has 10 or more recordings under his musical belt. With his Ebony Steel Orchestra Foundation, he also teaches pan to young musicians. Playing with his brother, Neville, they keep crowds on their feet with their infectious tropical rhythms on a regular bases…for the training of the youth to be taught this art form the TALLAHASSEE-ST.MAARTEN will be embarking on a fund raising drive to support the Ebony Steel Orchestra Foundation to help get some of our youth of the streets to be part of something positive that Public and Private sectors will be part of…I have 46 years in the music industry so I think I can offer some expertise and support in this area to becoming a firm part of our Culture and Heritage.

Suggested name for organization St.Maarten Federation for Cultural Heritage

One of TLH-SXMF focus this coming year 2011 is on Cultural Heritage…. CULTURE, COMMERCE AND COMMUNITY One of the greatest economic resource St. Maarten has is its "ability" to create, package and sell cultural tourism. TLH-SXMF and Carimerica’s definition of cultural tourism is simply put: "cultural tourism involves community residents creating, packaging and selling products and services directly relevant to their individual, organizational and community development so that they and their guests/visitors may discover finer, grander and more enjoyable concepts of themselves". Entertainment has really not been given its grand role that it has played in our tourism package we need to step-up to the plate and create proper representation for all entertainers and music groups in St.Maarten…Country St.Maarten needs that now….July 1988 …22 years ago I initiated music at Cheri’s Café and changed the whole concept of tourism entertainment with a location that wine-dine and dance to a new art form…The first groups I placed at Cheri’s Café were the Band Control, Ramon and the Family Brass, Double Channel, Mystic Roots and other entertainers today it has played a major role in St.Maarten tourism product…a lot of credit should also be given to Cheri for her constant efforts to promote the local art form. It is time for us to bring our entertainers together and have a location where they can perform as a local Musical Cultural Revue…King Beau Beau-Dow- King Timo-Mighty Brat and many other local artist and bands, let’s give our entertains their flowers while they are alive…we have decease’s musical hero’s that has passed on like Mr. Larmony, Ray Antony Thomas both Senior and junior, Julio Wilson, Trumpeter Tony Thewet, Drummer Carlos Summersault, Play writer IAN VALZ, Guitar Player Alvin Hodge from Tonka’s band Ages Trumpeter Butcher, Big Nell ,Ange, Bebe Flanders, Trumpeter Roy Richardson from the band Caribbean Kings from the French side just to name a few…we need to set up an association to represent the entertainment, music industry 2011 Country St.Maarten should make a positive difference. TLH-SXMF will offer the international platform for the organization to be represented locally and internationally. I call for all Entertainers, Artist, Bands to come together to make a difference in Country St.Maarten the time is now organize yourselves many SXM Students are returning home with the managerial skills to assist in that development we just need to start, what happens to an entertainer who has done this as his livelihood for years then gets sick where are his benefits…we need to talk to NAGICO for a policy that will benefit each entertainer for interruption of salary ,health and even death compensation for themselves and family.

Country St.Maarten should mean a new beginning a new start for areas where we failed 10 years ago when we tried to organize that same very area of interest but failed….now is the time….in all organizations respect at the top is needed and I think Steel Pan man Chester York, Organist Mario Brown and Trumpeter Bobby Vlaun should meet and take the lead with these…I will contribute in more ways than one. WE NEED SUPPORT FROM BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS….

Happy New Year 2011 to all… 850-391-3486

Arthur (Arturo) Lugisse