Don’t Drink & Drive this upcoming Holiday Weekend

The Collective Preventive Services (CPS) and the Government Information Service (GIS) in a collective public service message is urging motorists not to "Drink and Drive," during the up-coming holiday weekend. The emphasis must be on keeping our roads safe.

We have to all reduce tragedy on the roads. The onus is on the one behind the wheel. You have a responsibility. Pay attention while driving by being discipline and not impatient. Also select a designated driver if you plan to have a couple of drinks. 

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There will be much partying going on over the holiday weekend at bars, restaurants and nightclubs. In order for every Sint Maarten family and visitors to be able to enjoy themselves, those driving on our roads club hopping need to be their brother’s keeper by paying attention to those who may have had a little too much to drink.

Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. Let us all have a safe weekend going into the New Year without having any road tragedies due to driving under the influence.

You also have the option of taking a taxi cab home or to your hotel if you are not able to drive. Don’t become a danger to yourself and other road users.

The following appeal is part of the CPS in conjunction with the GIS Safe Holidays program.