Huge telephone interruption with UTS

WILLEMSTAD — A problem in the so-called transmission network of UTS caused a huge telephone interruption since Wednesday afternoon. The telephone company expects to have solved the interruption towards noon. The technicians were very busy, spokesperson Fayna Haseth reported.


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The problem occurred in the system of the telephone exchange in Steenrijk. Although the cause is still unknown, the consequence of the interruption had led to none or limited telephone communications, and the transfer of payments in the shops was impossible. The RBTT branches experienced problems with the telephone communication yesterday afternoon, but these were solved later on in the afternoon and everything was back to normal this morning, says assistant manager Amanda van Wilgen.
Some of the radio-based stations broke down due to the problem in the system, which in turn disrupted the mobile network of UTS.
However, people with a permanent and mobile connection were able to communicate even though they could not reach all numbers. The UTS-technicians subsequently succeeded in switching most of the telephone communication to another network, but they missed spare parts to complete the work. Those spare parts were flown in this morning.
At the time of this newspaper going to press (early this afternoon), the telephone communication was still not optimal. According to Haseth, the communication also depended on the districts to which calls were made.
However, the aim in getting the telephone communication back to normal was still there at noon. As mentioned, the cause of the interruption is still unknown. "Our priority is to solve the interruption and look into the cause afterwards," says Haseth.