Minister Duncan’s work trip

The Minister of Justice Roland Duncan will be travelling to the Netherlands to attend several meetings during his work visit. Among those meetings are; the first of the annual "4 Part Meeting" the Justitieel Vierpartijen Overleg (JVO) "The Justice four party meeting" which the 4 Justice Ministers of the Antilles will be attending. This is a regular yearly meeting . 

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Minister Duncan will also meet with the Defense department in the Netherlands to discuss two primary issues namely; The Coastguard and the Koninklijke Marechaussee. The Justice Minister will be conversing the Kingdom laws for the Coastguard and getting orientated on how they function there.

Minister Duncan also has an appointment scheduled with J.P. Donner, Minister of the Home Affairs. He will also be visiting certain police institutions.

The purpose for his 2 day visit to Curacao is for a business meeting with the Minister of Finance where they will be discussing recruitment and the M.O.T. organization (Meldpunt Ongebruikelijke Transacties) He also has a meeting scheduled with the Minister of Justice so that they can discuss coordinating and justice matters.