Forceful language during debate Kingdom Relations

THE HAGUE — The committee Kingdom Relations was flatly opposed to the new Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Piet Hein Donner (CDA) Sunday morning. Subjects such as the homo marriage and the responsibility for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba caused heated discussions and reproaches.



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The reason for the discussions was the fact that Minister Donner had to refer the committee to colleague ministers for the answers on a few questions, for example on nature policy, which is a result of the new situation in which several ministers are entrusted with the policy on the three islands. The committee had already expressed their concern on this earlier. "I fear for a situation in which everyone is responsible, but nobody bears the responsibility. I still hope that the Minister will play some coordinating role," Ineke van Gent from GroenLinks said today. Andre Bosman from the VVD wanted to know whether the Lower Chamber for example could approach the Public Service Caribbean Netherlands (RCN) on the islands.
Minister Donner acknowledged the need for coordination for example, when it regards related legist ion on social field.
However, the Ministry of Kingdom Relations is no longer considered main point of address. "That is the consequence of this choice. However, as Chamber, one could choose to appoint one committee, that’s your choice, but not one minister could answer all your questions. One cannot suddenly change the constitutional relations because you appointed a committee," says Donner. The Minister also had to disappoint Bosman because the RCN itself cannot phrase their policy, but the National representative on the islands could. "I also think we are currently speculating. I think we must first acquire experience and view the situation in another six months." The answers only partly removed Van Gent’s concerns. "I will await the half-year reports, but I’ve become increasingly troubled during the course of the day. It slightly annoys me because it’s coming to a head now." She said she would raise the matter again in the Lower Chamber during the plenary discussion this Wednesday.