Churches against March Proposal 10-10-10

The three bodies representing the Christian churches of St. Maarten have been for days now in contact with the organizers of the 10-10-10 celebration since the newspaper article surfaced, that a parade was being organized on Sunday, starting 8.30am in the morning.

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The churches on October 5th 2010 sent out a joint letter below, that they advised to delay the start of the parade until mid-day.

After waiting for a confirmation the churches up till now have received non and therefore have no other alternative than making their concerns public.

The churches stress that they are not against the people culturally celebrating the 10-10-10, however especially, since this is a Christian community and the government having adhered to the churches proposal to recognize God in the constitution, they believe that the time of worship and fellowship must be safe guarded and respected.

The churches –SMUMF, Foundation SDA and the St. Maarten/Saint Martin Christian Council- will like to make known that they are committed to:

1. Invoking God’s presence during the flag ceremony on October 9th 2010 at 11.00pm;

2. The ecumenical service to be held on Sunday October 10th at 6.00am in the New Testament Baptist Church.

The churches are further committed to having the parade start at mid day.

May we all be blessed to have attained the Separate Status within the Dutch Kingdom and may the good Lord continue to bless St. Maarten and her leaders.