Felecita’s Because of Prayer tours USA and Netherlands

Felecita Williams, author of St. Martin’s newest autobiography Because of Prayer, retuned home recently from a book tour, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP). 

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At least one of the island’s alert media caught wind of the writer’s book signing in Rotterdam at the Heritage Full Gospel International Church (Prinsen Kerk) on August 2. But there is more. On August 5, while in the Dutch city, the author presented a copy of Because of Prayer to Dr. A.J. van der Heijden, chairman of the Pediatrics department of Sophia Children’s Hospital—where Williams had her first life-saving kidney operation as a child. "Dr. Heijden was so happy to meet me after about 10 years and before that since when we had left Holland the first time. It was a wonderful blessing to meet him in this setting," said Williams over the weekend. The book tour actually started in Georgia, USA, at the International Believers Conference, July 22-23. Williams said that she was happy to see among the guests people who had known her as a child and had prayed for her recovery.