St. Dominic High Opens School Year With Fastest Internet Speed from TelEm Group ISP

TelEm Group’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) TelNet, is providing free internet service to St. Dominic High School in keeping with the school’s motto for the new term – Think Globally – Act locally. 

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The theme was announced during morning assembly and the first day of school, Monday.

Principal, Mrs. Sommers informed students they will be well on the way to living by the motto with the highest speed that TelEm Group presently provides to customers – a blazing fast 8 megabits per second.

"Globalization means we have to think and act on a global scale while maintaining our contact with the local community," said Ms. Sommers.

Mrs. Sommers, along with representatives of the school’s IB class presented TelEm Group’s Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Mr. Brian Mingo and Senior Sales Representative Ms. Margarita Hodge with a token of appreciation on behalf of the school for providing the DSL service at no charge.

There was a double surprise for Mr. Mingo in the form of a painted TelEm Group logo in a prominent position on the school grounds.

For his part, Mr. Mingo thanked the students and staff for their show of appreciation and encouraged them to make use of what is effectively an essential tool in today’s highly technological education environment.

After the short presentation ceremony Mr. Mingo sprang his own surprise by awarding the talented artist who painted the company logo a complimentary Blackberry phone to see him through the school term.

He said TelEm Group will be undertaking a program of providing all government-funded schools with DSL internet service to continue to promote the greater use of technology in the classroom.

Mr. Mingo has credited Sales Representative, Ms. Hodge with taking the initiative to kick off and develop the Schools Internet Program and thanked her publicly for her input and enthusiasm for the project.