Guidelines for placing Political Campaign Materials

The Acting Governor of the Island Territory of St. Maarten, Reynold Groeneveldt, is urging political parties and persons planning to contest the September 17, 2010 Island Council elections, to adhere to Article 8 and Article 8A of the General Police Ordinance guidelines of July 1975 (Publication Sheet 1940, No. 14) applicable when placing or attaching party political propaganda materials alongside the public roads. 

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Political parties may place propaganda materials, such as billboards, posters and flags alongside the public roads, as of Wednesday August 18, 2010 up and until September 24, 2010, under strict conditions.

These conditions are the following:

1 In the interest of traffic safety, materials may not be placed at any location, where the police prohibits this.

2 In the interest of traffic safety it is prohibited to place any propaganda materials in, on or around any of the roundabouts on the island territory.

3 Propaganda materials may not hinder or endanger

traffic by being placed on traffic signs, traffic light poles, other road indicators, or bridges.

4 Propaganda materials may not be attached on the propaganda materials of another political party.

5 Propaganda materials may not be placed on private property, without the prior authorization of the owner or person renting that property.

6 The content of the propaganda materials may not be offensive in any way.

7 The political party placing propaganda materials remains responsible for risks associated with eventual police actions and/or for damage, inconvenience or nuisance experienced by the public, as a result of the placing or of the presence of the propaganda materials.


All propaganda materials must be removed from alongside the public roads, on September 24, 2010.