Approximately 75 BOPP Students Successfully Complete Summer Employment

Approximately 75 students completed their summer employment that commenced during the beginning weeks of June, which was organized by the Government Business Outreach and Placement Program (BOPP) last Friday. 

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Students from high school pre exam and exam classes as well as first year college and university levels were trained and educated on how to prepare their resumes and cover letters, how to dress for an interview as well as conversational skills and how to conduct themselves in the work place during a series of workshops held by Innovative Marketing Creations.

Students spent 4 to 6 weeks of their summer working in various organizations within the government offices and private sector.

During their employment period, students were visited by IMC officials who evaluated their work productivity, office conduct and relations among other criteria. IMC also met with student supervisors and had one on one meetings to assure the students were well utilized and their experiences were valuable.

"He is very accurate with his work, and he works fast, I am very satisfied", stated Ms. Sharon Washington of the Tax Office on one of her summer students R. Boirard. I even had him work on some additional stuff because I sensed he was interested and able to do a good job", she continued.

Students were also able to evaluate their employers and the work place to ensure they were being ethical and assisting in the learning process of their daily tasks.

"It is not what I expected, so it caught me by surprise. I really enjoy working here and I am inspired to get more familiar and involved within the field" stated J. Arrindell who was employed at the Phillipsburg Jubilee Library during IMC’s evaluation visit.

Follow up calls were made to the organizations to create a comparison of the student’s progression during their employment periods.

IMC joined Forces with Sector Youth, Culture and Sports as the official facilitators this year to empower students with the knowledge and trainings necessary to get a job, keep the job, and learn from the experience. The trainings concluded with a day of celebration for the student’s hard work during the trainings and getting hired, in which parents and motivational speakers were invited to encourage students to work hard during their summer employment.

IMC General Manager, Jacqueline Louis stated "We are very proud of the students for taking the initiative to seek employment and sticking through the trainings to make sure they could reach to this point today, the ending of their summer employment with their heads held high. It is truly rewarding to see the students progress and succeed the way they have. It is extremely humbling when we see them in their work places or out in public demonstrating the key tools we taught them during the trainings. Ms. Louis closed by stating "We hope to form a long-term commitment with BOPP to continue to educate and prepare our youth for their career futures".

In closing of the BOPP program and the end of students’ summer employment, IMC sent E-congratulations card/emails to commend the students on their hard work and ambition necessary to have completed their quest to their summer success with BOPP.

For more information regarding BOPP or IMC please contact Jacqueline Louis at 543-2150/51 or email at or contact Emmalexis Velasquez at 543-2150/51 or email at