United Volleyball Club ends camp, hosts Colorado College this week

After a successful, weeklong summer camp and beach tournament on Sunday, the United Volleyball Club members are playing hosts to the Colorado College women’s volleyball team this week.  

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The Colorado College female Tigers arrived on- island on Wednesday for a little volleyball in the sun, along with some rest and relaxation. On Thursday, the two groups trained together, with the visiting women passing on a few tips to the local girls.

On Friday the guests will take a snorkel tour around the island and get back in time for a friendly match against their hosts in the evening. After another training session on Saturday morning, Colorado will play against the women’s selection from the North in the evening. As a way to say farewell, on Sunday UVC will take their guests to the Mullet Bay beach for some hardcore fun and more volleyball in the sun.

All evening games will be played at the Melford Hazel Recreation Center, starting at 7:30 p.m. The general public is invited to come and witness some great volleyball while at the same time supporting the UVC volleyball program.

Last Sunday the UVC 2010 camp ended with a beach tournament and raffle on the Great Bay Beach. The camp was led by Mr. Patricio Bridgewater who commented that the camp had been a huge success. The camp philosophy was mostly based on team-building. The kids had fun and learned the important aspects of self confidence, respect, and, most of all, the volleyball skills. The camp taught the participants also what it is to work hard on their goals and, most of all, how to work as a team. Rules of the game were one aspect that also helped to prepare participants for the rules of life. Bridgewater emphasized unity among the youngsters.

UVC can now look back at a successful summer camp and, as stated in an earlier release, relish in the fact that we have our own specialized people here on the island to conduct such a high quality volleyball camp. The camp was hosted at the Oyster Bay Resort.

From St. Martin, the Colorado College Tigers will go on to St. Kitts on August 9 for another week of volleyball tourism.