The St. Maarten Track & Field Association is inviting all interested athletes to sign up for the 2010 Dutch Caribbean qualification meet.
DATE: Saturday June 12th 2010.
LOCATION: Raoul Illidge Sports Complex.
TIME: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Notice of Rules and Regulations:
1. Dutch Caribbean Championships will be held in Curacao Last Week end in June.
2. All Athletes must register before Friday June 11 2010.
3. Registration closes June 11th Friday at 12:00 Noon 2010.
4. Athletes must be 14 years or older.
5. Athletes can register for a maximum of 3 events.
6. Maximum participation of two athletes per same event in the same category.
7. Competition will take place in three Categories Under 17 – Under 20 & Senior Class.
8. Athletes taking part will be considered for selection in 2011 for the Carifta Games, CAC & or the
Pan Am Games, by the National Federation.
9. Carifta standards will be used as guidelines for selection.
10. Entry is FREE of Charge.