It is frightening what some persons will do try to destabilize a secure and stable government in order to kill progress and change. Their only priority is scoring political points, not the progress of the island.
This is clear from their hostile political ranting that they call press conferences. It is lamentable that never before has there been such desperation and hostility in St. Maarten politics. Each day seems to bring a desperate new set of attacks and misrepresentation from the DP.
The National Alliance also shares the concern of the people why the Democratic Party would give so much credibility to the King of Pinheads Bill O’Reilly who, according to the Washington Post and CBS news, supposedly settled millions in a sexual harassment lawsuit by his former producer Andrea Mackris. Why would DP praise someone whose authority and integrity is so questionable and yet at the same time seek to destroy one of our very own shining Antillean professionals in the Island Council? But then again, what do you expect from a party that takes advice from people who allegedly run around our neighborhoods in their underwear? As suggested by the young DP Vice President, who recently placed his position at the disposal of his party, young, educated and talented professionals do not stand a chance under the selfish DP Leadership.
True "Country Above Self" puts people above party politics and personal gain. It is about working together for St. Maarten. It is about building people up, not tearing people down. That is why the National Alliance Party stands resolute in our belief that Commissioner of Finance Xavier Blackman is qualified, competent and capable to help take us into country-status. Xavier Blackman is a professional financial expert. He has an excellent background and he is highly respected in the Caribbean and Europe in both the private and public sectors. He has also served exceptionally as State Secretary for Finance on behalf of Saba in the Central Government, and as the Associate director of distinguished firm KPMG. We are confident that Mr. Blackman will emerge as one of the best Finance Commissioners St. Maarten has ever had.
The challenge before us, therefore, is to change our political habits, to renounce political tribalism, to purge ourselves of the old selfish political bickering, enmities and divisions, to renew our St. Maarten nation, and put aside once and for all the bitterness that fan the flames of hostility and anger sweeping our friendly island. The St. Maarten people deserve better. We all saw for ourselves once again that how the Democratic Party had an opportunity to show the people of St. Maarten that it could rise above crab mentality party politics, but instead they chose to try every trick available to them to derail and sabotage the constitutional process. It is clear that DP is posturing for the next Election, but the National Alliance is still working for the future generation. Together, we are moving St. Maarten forward.
For O’Reilly Law Suit Settlement see: