Little League Baseball and Softball Registration

The St. Maarten Little League Association is inviting parents to register their children ages 4 to 16 years to play baseball and girls ages 5 to 13 years to play…

Registration of 7 to 9 year old children

The Department of Education hereby informs all parents that the second phase of the implementation of compulsory education begins with the registration of students between the ages of 7 and…

Press Release from Mr.Dave Levenstone

"Thank you Commissioner Frans Richardson". Saba, February 15th 2010. Last week while listening to the local news, I was very much satisfied to hear Commissioner Frans Richardson explaining about this…

Police Report:Weapons found during and after the Jam Session,Man caught with stolen airconditioning

  Weapons found during and after the Jam Session held by Andrew Dick at the ball park next to the Carnival village This show was organized by Andrew Dick on…

Info-session slated for persons interested in MAE and MBA degree programs at USM

Are you interested in pursuing a Master of Arts in Education (MAE) or a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with the University of St. Martin in conjunction with the…

Press Release from Senator George Pantophlet: Central Committee meetings of Parliament

A central committee of Parliament was held on Tuesday February 9, 2009 at 09.00 with the agenda a discussion with the Curacao Sports Federation (CFS) to get its own recognition…

TelCell’s Pre-Valentine’s Day Blackberry Launch Hailed a Success

  TelEm Group’s Mobile provider TelCell is hailing St. Maarten’s first Blackberry pre-paid launch a huge success. online casino