On Friday January 20th 2010, the Justice Committee of Parliament held a Press Conference on Crime with Mr.Elco Rosario, Mr.Rudolph Samuel, Mr.Marlon Jamaloodin, Ms.Darli Isenia & Mr.Nelson Navaro.
Justice Committee of the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles held a press conference at the Parliament building to update the media, and in turn the community, on the outcome of the meetings they held with Community groups and the Crime Task Force St. Maarten regarding the surge in violent crime on the island.
Present at the Press Conference was Marlon Jamaloodin, Chairman of the Justice Committee of the Parliament of the Netherlands Antilles, Senators Nelson Navarro, and D. Isenia, and Rodolphe Samuel from St. Maarten, Elco Rosario of the Crime Task Force St. Maarten.
Senator Rodolphe Samuel said that although some community groups are well organized and active, there are other community organizations that need to improve their organization workings. In addition, these groups would do well to work together in assisting, preventing and solving crime.
When compared to the year 2008, last year 2009, crime has decreased; however, violent crime has been increasing.
Senator Samuel added that the Justice Committee will request more information on the crime situation, and they will look closely at the numbers, and come up with some solutions and preventive measures that could be taken within the short-term, but also look for ways to decrease crime in the long run.
Elco Rosario said that the meetings have been informative and fruitful. He added that efforts have been made to curb crime, but we have not seen the results as yet. There needs to be more organized groups that are well functioning.
This press conference culminates 2 days of the Justice Committee meeting with various community groups on St. Maarten regarding crime in the Windward Islands and in particular St. Maarten.
The Justice Committee will construct a report and have discussions in Parliament to address the issue of crime in the Windward Islands and on St. Maarten.