Martin Luther King, Jr. 23rd annual lecture opens St. Martin’s cultural calendar for 2010


The 23rd annual Martin Luther King, Jr. lecture will be delivered by St. Martin attorney Denicio Brison on Friday, January 15, 2010, said Shujah Reiph.

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Brison will address the theme "Truths about democracy" at the Chamber of Commerce building in Spring Concordia, Marigot, at 8 pm.

According to Reiph, "Denicio Brison will bring a different dimension to the MLK lecture series by looking at the topic from international and regional prospectives while bringing it home to current St. Martin issues about freedom, democracy, and autonomy."

The annual MLK lecture series is organized by Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF), and has for the last few years been opening St. Martin’s cultural calendar with a growing attendance and guest speakers from the island, the region, USA and Africa, said Reiph, president of CLF.

The MLK lecture of Friday will focus on existing forms democracy worldwide, highlighting the different forces in the Caribbean that have fought for and realized democratic victories and the institutionalizing of democracy, from slavery and colonialism to independence, said Reiph.

There will be a question and answer period relative to St. Martin, and whether there can be true democracy in the remaining colonies in the 21st century Caribbean, said Reiph.

"I am inviting everyone to come to the lecture and share this evening of history and culture while paying tribute to a civil champion Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," said Reiph.