Police report on the clarification on press release

The Police Department and the Public Prosecutors Office is informing the general public, that with regards to the ongoing investigation concerning the murder of the late Eric Yuan Sam, which took place on December 30th 2009, "NO" arrests have been made. 

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The story published on the front page of The Daily Herald on Saturday January 2nd 2010 stating that one suspect was arrested in this case, is not information this newspaper has received from the Police Department nor the Public Prosecutors Office.

This investigation is in "full swing" and the Police Department, Prosecutors Office and all other judiciary departments involved in this investigation are looking forward for total cooperation from the entire community. Any-one having information that can shed some light on this investigation or any other crime(s) or criminal activities, should not hesitate and make use of the "tip line # 9300" and pass on this information. This is a 24 hour service and the calls are constantly monitored. All calls are free of charge and the caller remains unanimous. There is "no caller ID" and "no call back".