JS Consulting Services/Political Analyst, Julio Romney, and the University of St. Martin (USM) Political Science class of 2009 2010 are teaming up to hold a Political Candidates Forum, Monday, January 18, 2010, beginning at seven o’clock in the evening, in the Cultural Center, Back Street, Phillipsburg.
The leaders of all three political parties contesting the 2010 Parliamentary elections – Gracita Arindell, William Marlin and Sarah Wescott illiams have been invited to participate in this Forum.
The Forum will allow for party leaders to express their party views on substantive policy issues that affect the livability, health, and safety of St. Maarten; in its protracted quest to become a separate entity within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and its sustainability, as well as, their proposed policies and programs to address these concerns.
In addition, all political candidates contesting the 2010 Parliamentary elections have been asked to provide a statement which will be published in a Voters Information Guide. The Voters Information Guide will also include general information about the Parliamentary election process and what voter can
expect when entering the polling station and casting their popular vote. The Voters Information Guide will be distributed to the voting population free of charge.
The aim of the Candidates Forum and Voters Information Guide is to bring all political parties contesting the Parliamentary elections together to discuss their position on important policy issues, foster a well informed and educated voting population, and to enhance the learning experience of USM political science students by integrating political theory and practice into real world application.