Technical problems cause some delays at SVB

The SVB section Windward Islands has been encountering some technical problems the last few weeks with our computer systems. The SVB has been in the process of switching over to…

Commissioner Mr. William Marlin attends the 3rd Anniversary of the New Status Day for Saint-Martin

Dec. 7 th 2009 was the 3rd Anniversary of the New Status Day for Saint-Martin.The day was commemorated with a short ceremony at the gardens of the Collectivite, which began…

Annual Christmas Season Gift Giving Ceremony to primary schools

The St. Joseph Primary School Annual Christmas Season Gift Giving Ceremony to primary schools by the RBBT bank in colaboration with Com. Mr. Theo Heyliger. online casino

Commissioner Marlin encourages St. Maarten students to apply to Johnson & Wales University Special

An informative session was held at the PMIA Hall on Wednesday evening with interested persons who wanted more information on the educational program offered by Johnson & Wales University, Fred…

Political Steering Group Conference Round up

  The Political Steering Group Conference Round up was held at the Westin Resort, Soualiga Ballroom on Wednesday December 9, 2009 at 6:15 pm. The main topic of the conference…

Training program of Federal Civil Servants

  A Training program of Federal Civil Servants to update them on the Constitutional Reform of the Kingdom of the Netherlands took place at the Belair Community Center on Thursday,…

Basis laid for joined police facility

Wednesday December 9th 2009, in political consultations among the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, CuraƧao and St. Maarten, the basis was laid for the realization of the joint police facility. State…

VSBO schools present their School Development Plans

Thursday December 10th 2009, the School Managers of the Milton Peters College, Sundial School, the Sint Maarten Academy and the Sint Maarten Vocational Training School presented their School Development Plan…