WILLEMSTAD — The families Henriquez and Capriles have offered former bank-director Lionel Capriles a seminar on a subject of his choice in gratitude for the many years in which he managed the Maduro & Curiel’s Bank. Capriles chose to discuss various aspects of poverty. This seminar is open to public and will be held on October 23rd and 24th in the University of the Netherlands Antilles.
The purpose of this seminar is to encourage groups and persons on Curaçao to exchange thoughts with each other on new insights in order to break through the circle of poverty, according to a press report. "Capriles realizes that a seminar in itself will not solve poverty, but just as Mohammad Yunbus (Noble Prize winner and guru in the field of micro-finances), he trusts that mankind will overcome poverty." Yunus said, "Make people believe that we can send poverty to museums. When you don’t believe something, you can’t achieve it. You have to imagine, and make that imagination achievable."
With this seminar, Capriles wants to achieve that Curaçao joins the worldwide movement against poverty during the week of October 17th. In 1992, the United Nations declared that day as the international day for combating extreme poverty. The objectives are, amongst others, the halving of the hunger and misery before the year 2015, fundamental education for all children, clean water for everyone, equal rights for males and females, less mother and child mortalities with pregnancies, a healthy environment, and an improved cooperation between rich and poor countries.