Recently, Nakita Nicholls a HAVO 5 student attending M.P.C. was interviewed by Desiree Webster ( GIS Summer Intern) on her participation in the Business Outreach & Placement Program (BOPP).


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Nakita is currently doing her job training program at the Finance Department of the Island Government of St. Maarten, under the supervision of Alex Richardson a Section Head at the department of Finance for a period of six weeks.

Nakita said, "I decided to participate in this program because I wanted a summer job and I wanted to gain work experience, while making some extra money."

Before Nakita could start her job training she had an interview with her supervisor and took part in a two-day workshop as part of the BOPP, where she learned how to conduct herself in a professional manner with the right work ethic.

"It took me about a week to settle in at the job because I first needed to learn how to do my job efficiently", Nakita said. In her time there she has learned how to work with Quick Books, do data entry, answer phone calls and send faxes among other things.

She also expressed her feelings of comfort at her work place. When asked about the relationship between her and her colleagues she replied "We get along good, they are very nice people, and they explain the work very well. I am enjoying my time there".

Nakita also gave good compliments to the organizers of the BOPP program and said that they should continue with it, additionally the organizers should try to get more small businesses involved.


In her final words she encouraged more students to take part in the BOPP program and motivated them to do their best because this is a very good program that can benefit them when looking for a job in the future.

This interview can be seen in its entirety on the upcoming GIS BULLETIN news program, Monday 10th on SXM Cable TV 15 at 7 PM