Police Press Release on the New Police Prison Cells


Final discussions

On Thursday August 6th 2009, discussions to finalize and upgrade the existing detention cells at the Philipsburg Police Station, took place.


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The contract was signed on Monday August 3rd by the outgoing Minister Justice Mr. David Dick. The discussions and signing of contracts took place at the Philipsburg Police Station between the contractors and the Police management Team, headed by Acting Chief of Police Commissioner Ademar Doran.

Work on the cells are to commence on Monday August 10th 2009 and hope to finalized within 85 working days.

The consultant for this construction is Pream N.V. and contractors are:

WECC, CECC and Collaborative N.V. headed by Mr. George GUNN.

The Acting Chief of Police Mr. Ademar DORAN on behalf of the members of the Police Department of Sint Maarten will like to thank those in authority who in one way or the other have made the finalizing of this project possible.