Commissioners Johnson and Zagers of Saba, to Miami


The Commissioner of Public Housing, Mr. Christopher Johnson and the Commissioner of Finance, Mr. Bruce Zagers will be traveling to Miami on Wednesday. They are being accompanied by the Head of the Planning Bureau Mr. Robert Zagers.


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The Commissioners and Mr. Zagers will be visiting and holding discussions with 2 Pre Fabricated Manufacturers while in Miami. Arrangements for their meetings etc. in Miami is being arranged by businessman Mr. Vernon Hassell. A delegation from the island of St. Maarten under the leadership of then Commissioner of Housing, Mr. Theo Heyliger recently also visited the same manufacturers and held discussions.

Commissioner Johnson told SNA that the delegation will return to the island on Sunday, but he will remain on St. Maarten for a few days for personal matters. Commissioner Johnson said that both him and Commissioner Zagers regret having to leave the island together, but these discussions warrant for both of them to travel to Miami at this time.