General information for all businesses Recently the Detective Department and Forensic Dept. have been investigating several break-ins into several businesses on the island. During these investigations they have noticed that…
Day: July 8, 2009
First group of SBO Maritime Course graduates
Louis Salvador, will be trained as a professional diver for Aqua Mania The SBO Maritime Assistant Course level 1 that set out last year September with 14 students was finalized…
SBDF’s Exclusive Interview at 98.1 F.M. Studio
(AUDIO AVAILABLE)SBDF Director Ludwig Ouenniche & President of the SBDF Ms.Veronica Jansen were present in the studio of 98.1 F.M. on July 8th 2009 for an exclusive interview in…
Press Release from National Alliance Senator George Pantophlet
Reducing healthcare cost July 5, 2009 National Alliance Senator George Pantophlet attended his first meetings of the Central committee of Parliament last Wednesday July 1, 2009. The Organization of the…
Press Release by the Democratic Party
The midyear conference of the Democratic Party gets underway on July 11th 2009, starting at 9 a.m at the Rock House Restaurant at Port de Plaisance. The conference starts…