Central Committee holds meeting at GeBe Building in Saba

On Tuesday, the Central Committee which was chaired by Mr. Rolando Wilson held a meeting with GeBe in their new building in The Bottom.The central Committee members were given an extensive review of the GeBe NV activities since Mr. Brooks started on January 1st 2007.


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Mr. Brooks gave an outline of the issues that the Shareholders foundation had with his position as Director. He gave an adequate rebuttal to each one of the points brought up. Brooks was appreciative of the strong stance taken by the Executive Council of Saba towards his position as Managing Director of GeBe.

Results specifically for Saba were discussed such as operational losses on Saba. The two main reasons were, Saba uses light oil instead of heavy oil – which has a higher market price. The other reason was related to the huge investments that were made in Saba for projects like underground cabling.

Investments have been made in customer care for more reliable service within the past couple years. The process has begun for enhancing the company’s performance in areas such as reliability and customer service.

Commissioners of Energy, Bruce Zagers, stated that he was pleased with the meeting and that he "hopes that the situation with the Managing Director is resolved for the betterment of the Company and Islands".