Tour of New Fire & Ambulance Station

On Monday morning May 25th 2009, the visiting Dutch delegation here on St. Maarten, consisting of Vice President of the Council of State of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Tjeenk…

Commissioner Marlin meets with media

  National Alliance Leader Commissioner William Marlin, presented the Lt. Governor of St.Maarten the original hard copy of the letter that he emailed to him on Sunday, in which he…

Press Release from Commissioner Maria Buncamper Molanus

Commissioner of Economic Affairs Maria Buncamper-Molanus announced yesterday that the Executive Council recently took a decision to merge the issuing process of certain business licenses. According to the Commissioner the…

Salt and high blood pressure two silent killers

Over 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure and it is the single biggest risk factor for death, causing heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. High salt (sodium)…

Formation of a new Executive Council

On Sunday afternoon the attached letter was sent to the Lt. Governor of St. Maarten informing him that the five members of the National Alliance and the independent member Louie…

Award-wining filmmaker Molefi K. Asante, Jr. opens St. Martin Book Fair

  Dr. Molefi K. Asanté, Jr. will open the 7th annual St. Martin Book Fair at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Marigot on Thursday, June 4, 2009, at 8…

Baseball tryout

St.Martin Pony League’s James Arrindell and Lenrick Pinto in tryouts by Colorado Rockies Baseball Academy in the Dominican Republic. During the past week the St. Martin Pony League player Lenrick…