During the week of March 9th thru 12th 2009 all Cycle II teachers enrolled in the Teacher Retraining & Upgrading Program attended the LAB Sessions on the Project Approach training.

These sessions were held at the Carl’s & Sons Conference Room from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The Project Approach is one of the five (5) modules that the Cycle II teachers have to complete to be certified as an FBE teacher for Cycle II.

According to the book "The Project Approach" by S.C. Chard, "A project is an in-depth study of a real world topic or theme. The study may be carried out by individual children, groups of children, or the whole class."


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The module of the Project Approach started at the beginning of February and is scheduled to finish at the end of March 2009.

During the module the Cycle II teachers are taught how to introduce the Project Approach in their classroom by having them actively participate in the execution of their own project.

They had to select a topic on which they wanted to do an in-depth study, and then go through all the phases of the study such as the introductory phase, the research phase and the review phase.

The Teacher Retraining & Upgrading Program has been outsourced by DERPI to the USM who are coordinating the training. The instructors of this module are teachers representing the five (5) primary school boards who have been trained by S.C. Chard.

The funding for these trainings is provided through USONA from the Dutch development funds.

After this training all parents of students in Cycle II can look forward to their children being involved in this new approach of doing Project work.