The Windward Islands Bank recently donated $300.00 to Victorious Living Foundation, whose purpose statement is to enlighten, empower and enrich all persons and communities through the power of reconciliation. This donation is specifically geared towards making available the eagerly anticipated book of Victorious Living’s founder and director, Nicole Erna Mae Francis, MA, D.D., "How to Thrive in Trying Times," to rekindle the hopes and dreams of hurting, desperate persons.

As the economic and other global crises loom, many have lost hope. Therefore, Francis is partnering with businesses, organizations and/or individuals who would like to invest in the many disenfranchised members of our communities so that as a people when hope is rekindled the entire community receives the positive effects economically, socially and spiritually. Through Francis’ book and cd, many persons in our local and global communities will be inspired to believe in themselves and the power of God, our ultimate source for all things, to sustain and help them to thrive in these trying times.

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Francis’ summary of her book is featured on The Learning Annex, the Internet’s premier producer of seminars, lectures, classes and workshops throughout the United States and Canada. The Learning Annex equips persons to succeed in various assets of business, real estate, personal, spiritual and socio-emotional development. Persons interested in viewing the specifics of How to Thrive in Trying Times may visit: www.oneminuteu.com and read the featured article of the mentioned title.

Francis has been working on this project which comprises the book, How To Thrive in Trying Times, and a cd of her Poetic Vibes to Help You Thrive, for approximately nine months. She has teamed up with Connis Vanterpool, St. Martin’s king of sax, who has created original music for Francis’ poems featured before each opening chapter of her book. These inspirational poems were specially selected from her first book "It’s Time For Change," to help persons refocus and shift from negative to positive thinking. This is based upon the premise that "you are what you think."

Connis has done the project great justice. Consequently, the combination of soothing tones of the music coupled with the powerful and inspirational lyrics of Francis’ poems, create an instant energy boost and encouragement to persons struggling during these trying times. In essence, this project serves as a holistic stimulus package.

Francis postponed her launch from March 7th to May 09 so that the entire project of the book and cd would be launched simultaneously. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to follow WIB’s example by investing in members of our community. Barack Obama’s recent victory clearly demonstrated that it is the principle of hope in believing; "Yes we can…" that empowers people locally and globally, in these trying times.

A significant percentage of the proceeds from the book and cd sales are earmarked to Victorious Living’s mentorship program and other youth and community projects to sustain their operations and be more effective in reaching our youth and families. For more details about the foundation and Francis’ book, persons may visit: www.victoriouslivingsxm.org. or Victorious Living Healing Restoration and Training Center at 158 B. Back Street, Philipsburg.