Preparations for Public Servants Day is underway in Saba

Preparations for Public Servants Day on Saba is underway so says President of the Saba Civil Servants Social Association Mr. Dave Levenstone.

Public Servants Day will be celebrated on June 23rd and this is a day that has been recognized by the United Nations. Our association has recently established a sub committee that will be charged with the organizing of the activities leading up to Public Servants Day on Saba.

This year we have decided to involve all departments with the preparations and several departments has responded positively. A committee has been formed and within short we will be meeting with them to grant them the green light in putting their ideas in place. We want this year to involve all civil servants.

As a association we will support the sub committee as much as possible with the preparations.

Levenstone said that in 2005 when the association was officially established we were able to organize the events, but as time changes we also want to get the rest of the civil servants involved so that we can have a much wider participation.

As a representative body of the civil servants on Saba we would do our utmost to represent the civil servants on Saba as laid down in our articles of incorporation and also based on the ILO procedures Levenstone said on Monday. we are not just a association to organize Public Servants Day as some may want to think.


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