State Secretary to hold Saba town-hall meeting on Monday

State Secretary, Mrs. Ank Bijleveld-Scouten will be visiting the Island of Saba on Monday and Tuesday to address the community in a town-hall meeting. The town-hall meeting will be held at the Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside on Monday between 6:00PM and 7:30PM. State Secretary Bijleveld will also be accompanied by BES Commissioner, Henk Kamp. The agenda of this meeting will be about the recent constitutional changes and she will address the crowd in the Dutch language. Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs, Chris Johnson, will also be on hand to address the crowd.

After the town-hall meeting, on Tuesdays, the delegation will meet with the Executive Council about various USONA projects including the Social Economic Initiative. Some other projects are the Cooperation of Youth and Education Program and also Institutional Strengthening.

The State secretary and her delegation will then proceed to visit the Henry Every old age home, the AIDS foundation, and then before leaving for Eustatius, the new fire truck on the airport.

Source: Saba Government Information Services –


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