Commissioner Buncamper invites public to take part in Fitness Walk this Saturday

Commissioner of Public Health Maria Buncamper-Molanus is inviting the public to take part in a Fitness Walk and a special Aqua Aerobics session on Saturday, January 31, 2009. Participants are…

Health inspectors remove products with peanut butter from store shelves in response to US salmonella

Health inspectors have removed from supermarket and mini-market shelves products made by the Peanut Corporation of America as well as Keebler and Amos products that have peanut butter in them…

SONA Board pays visit to Saba

  Today the SONA (Samenwerkings Organisatie) met with the Executive Council of Saba to discuss the SEI (Social Economic Initiative). The Executive Council stressed that regarding infrastructural projects, they are…

Geothermal Trip proves positive

  Commissioner Zagers and Johnson recently travelled to Nevis to holds talks about the geothermal possibilities on Saba. The trip proved positive from building positive informative relationship with the Nevis…

Commissioner Wescot receives English Traffic Booklet

Thursday morning at the Government Administration Building in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall, Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams and Governor Franklin Richards received the first a copy of the newly English translated…

Press release from the Public Prosecutor Mr.Rienk Mud

Today, January 27, 2009, the judge of instruction has suspended the pre trial detention of Frank C, suspected of the possible murder and disappearance of his wife Leta, who has…

Visit by St. Dominic High School students to the USM

  The University of St. Martin (USM) played host to 45 St. Dominic High School 3rd form students on Wednesday, January 28, 2009. The students, escorted by Ms. Belzers and…


Class 30 of the Philipsburg Methodist Congregation invites persons to register for exercise classes planned for March, April and May 2009. Classes will be twice weekly (Wednesday and Friday) and…


My Fellow Saint-Martiners,, The year 2009, perhaps more than others, will bring new and bigger challenges. The world economic crisis affects nations upon which we depend and to which we…

Commissioner Wescot says Aviation Policy Next Step for Country St. Maarten

Leader of Government and Commissioner responsible for Aviation Affairs Sarah Wescot-Williams, says that the next step to be taken at the recently concluded two-day conference on Air Traffic Relations held…