Joint information campaign Island Council elections


Oranjestad/The Bottom – The first elections since the new political structure will take place on the 2nd of March 2011. On Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius it will be about Island Council Elections, and in the Netherlands these are the elections for the provincial states. Each Public Entity is responsible for organizing the Island Council elections and to inform the citizens about the voting process for these elections. Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) is responsible to simulate citizens to use their right to vote. For that reason Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland together with the main voting bureau will be informing the public.

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The joint messages will be launched as of this week. Special attention will go out to changed voting rules. These will be applied for the first time, because it is the first time that Dutch voting rules will be applicable. As of the end of January the messages will be intensified. Under the slogan "You’ll be voting too, right?", an intensive public awareness campaign will start, with the input of different communication tools. Not only radio, television and newspapers will be used, but there will also be a door-to-door folder. Moreover, each voter will receive a letter together with his/her voting pass containing the most important things they should take into account.