TelEm Group are inviting all school children and their families to a bumper entertainment event at the Festival Village, Philipsburg, this Saturday.
The event features a host of entertaining activities including: go-cart rides, bouncing toys; face painting, music, the antics of Dexter the Clown, food and drinks.
TelEm Group is also hosting the islands first outdoor Wii tournament with $5,000 in cash and other prizes for those who have registered for participation in this event.
To get the ball rolling, TelEm Group has been circulating free tickets to various elementary schools for distribution to various students. On Monday, it was the turn of students from the Sr. Borgia School, Cannegieter Street, to receive their batch of free tickets from Senior Account Manager, Ms. Margarita Hodge and Manager, Marketing & Sales, Mrs. Carmen Lake-Reyes.
"We will be getting the fun rolling in the Festival Village at 3:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. by which time the youngsters will be exhausted from all the activities," said Manager Marketing & Sales Mrs. Carmen Lake Reyes.
She said the event is being held at the Festival Village to accommodate the large number of youngsters expected to turn out with their parents and families.
"If things go as planned we will certainly make it an annual event at the same venue," said Carmen.
She said the company will also have a phone sale on various mobile phones which have been discounted as low of 75%.
Customer Service representatives will also be available to give information on other products and services offered by the company including the new
BlackBerry Social product offered to many teens and young adults who want to take advantage of social networking & messaging sites such as Facebook, Myspace, MSN Etc, all for a more affordable price of just $15 per month.
"We want everyone to come out because there will be something for everyone. As usual, many of our valued customers will be going home happy after another of our popular events," added Carmen.