Central Committee of Saba holds meeting


The Central Committee met to discuss a number of issues on Tuesday. They invited advisor, Will Johnson, to give an update on the progress of the division of assets known as the "Boedelsheiding" as well as updates on GEBE. Mr. Will Johnson has been representing Saba on these respective boards and gave an extensive update to the Council. With regards to the division of assets, Mr. Johnson gave an overview of the assets of the Central Bank, The Social Insurance Bank (SVB), and the Pension fund (APNA).


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As not only a former politician, but as a historian, Mr. Will Johnson made sure to give a full historical breakdown of the Central Bank. In this presentation, he included interesting facts and figures such as; the Madura Family’s printed monies. Furthermore, he gave a historical timeline which began with the banks inception in 1828.

The Island Council members were very interested to hear about the banks gold reserves which in 2005, were estimated at the amount of 360 million guilders. The last few years the price has drastically increased and is currently estimated in the realm of 700 million guilders.

Advisor Will Johnson continued with an update with regards to his membership on the GEBE board and its current developments, including labor issues and thoughts on the future of the company.

Due to the length of the meeting, the other agenda points, such as an update on Commissioner Chris Johnson’s visit to the Netherlands were not addressed. The Central committee has agreed to reconvene the afternoon of Thursday, April 2nd 2009.