Man shot during argument

On Monday October 24th at approximately 06.30 p.m. police patrols and detectives were directed to the parking lot behind of S.E.L. Maduro and Sons on the Emmaplein for a shooting incident. On the scene the patrols located the victim of the shooting with the initials O. D. Mc.G in the parking lot. The victim was bleeding from a gun shot wound to his buttocks. He stated that he was shot by the suspect with initial J. after an argument concerning a bill of U.S.$ 28,00. He further stated that suspect had fired three shots at him and that he was struck only once. The other two shots hit vehicles parked in the immediate area. After committing this act the suspect fled the scene. The area was closed off and Forensic Department and detective department have started their investigation. The victim was treated on the scene by paramedics and then taken to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. The suspect has not yet been arrested.


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