Immediate Resignation from United People’s Party (UPP)

Dear Board of The United People’s Party (UPP),
I am writing to formally tender my resignation from the United People’s Party (UPP). As a
board member since 2010 and an active participant in the parliamentary elections as a
candidate and member since 2014, it is with mixed emotions that I have reached this decision.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the original founders of the UPP for their
visionary leadership and dedication in establishing a platform for democratic engagement.
Their commitment to empowering individuals like myself has played a significant role in
shaping the party’s success.
During my tenure as a member of parliament under the UPP, I have encountered various
challenges and trials. Nevertheless, I am proud to have demonstrated that it is possible to be
an effective parliamentarian, even in the face of adversity. Through unwavering dedication
and resilience, I have worked diligently to represent the interests of our constituents and
contribute positively to the development of our nation.
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the board members, leaders, and fellow
party members who have supported and guided me throughout the years. Your wisdom,
guidance, and unwavering commitment to our shared goals have been instrumental in my
growth as a politician and as an individual. It has been an honor to work alongside such
dedicated and passionate individuals.
As I embark on a new chapter in my political journey, I am filled with optimism and
excitement. I am eager to explore new opportunities and contribute to the betterment of our
nation in different capacities. I wish the United People’s Party continued success in its future
endeavors, and I extend my sincere wishes for prosperity to all members, leaders, and
supporters of the party.
Please consider this letter as my formal resignation, effective immediately. I appreciate your
understanding and support during this transition. It has been an honor to serve the United
People’s Party, and I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences it has provided me.
Thank you once again for your understanding, and I wish you all the best in your future