St. Martin Pony League is asking;

What happen to the Belvedere field…..should we still "stay off the lawn" and have the girls and boys waiting.


It seem like the nice days of playing baseball and softball on the Belvedere field are now over. It seem like the Saturdays and Sundays of our boys and girls playing baseball and softball on the field that "St. Martin Pony Built" are now over.


How nice it was in the past to see boys and girls from all the neighborhood come on the field to dispute the neighborhood championship of the entire island of St. Maarten / St. Martin. In the past the entire Saturday and the entire Sunday from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. was dedicated to girls and boys on the ball field. How nice it was to see kids of the poorest of neighborhoods playing against those of the more richer areas. How nice it was to see children of the Dutch side play against teams from the French side. All of that was abruptly disrupted without any warning or consideration for the niceness that use to take place on the Belvedere Field. What is left to be seen on the field where we use to have all of that fun is a sign that reads………… "STAY OFF THE LAWN" In this case this means…" stay on the streets".

Let’s hope that someone with a piece of land read this article and consider given us a field to play on again.