Police rescue two female hikers.

On Sunday January 27th at approximately 06.30 p.m. the Central Police Dispatch received a phone call from a female stating that she and her female friend had left from the Emilio Wilson Park that same afternoon at approximately 03.00 p.m. for a hike through the hills to Pic Paradise on the French Side. During their hike it had become very dark and they had gotten lost and could not find their way back. The hiker also stated that they were lost somewhere in the hill above the Emilio Wilson Park. Immediately a search and rescue-team consisting of eight police officers was put together. The officers did not hesitate and equipped with flashlights, machetes, rope, water and first-aid kit went into the darkness up the hill in search of the two lost hikers. The hiker used the light of their cell-phone to point –out their location. It took the officers approximately an hour and a half to locate and reach the hikers. The hikers with the initials O.K. and K.R (both 24) both from the Netherlands were in good health and were brought down the hill by the officers which also took approximately an hour and a half. The hikers were very thankful to the police for coming to their rescue.