Cabinet to take measures to prevent proposed increase in Cable TV rates

A decision by the Cable Company to increase rates from the first of February is not sitting well with the Cabinet of Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas.

Minister of Information, Sen. the Hon. Nigel Carty said Cabinet members were very concerned about the decision which the company had made with regard to the proposed rate increase.


"Having regard to the need to minimise inflation and contain the cost of living, Cabinet agreed to make an intervention to prevent the increase in cable TV rates. In fact, members were convinced that alternatives will have to be explored to narrow the gap between costs and revenues that the company appears to be concerned about. This matter of costs and revenue, it was concluded, has to be studied more carefully to arrive at a clearer picture of the current situation facing The Cable Company," said Mr. Carty in a post Cabinet briefing.

Mr. Carty said Cabinet "was of the view that cable TV has become a way of life for ordinary poor people in our country and that the proposed increase would make it even more difficult, if not impossible, for some nationals to afford this modern necessity."