Background information on the changes in the package of Health Insurance

The expenditures on Health in the Dutch Caribbean of the last year have increased faster than ever before. This has many reasons, such as the increased access to care, the increased quality of care that hospitals can offer, the elimination of backlogs, etcetera. In 2011, the costs of health care were approximately USD 85 million, of which 42.5 million was raised by the islands through premiums. For 2012, a total cost of approximately USD 100 million is expected. Of these, the islands are expected to pay USD 42.5 million. The difference is paid by the Netherlands. Besides, there are no personal payments in the Dutch Caribbean.

Given this situation, the Minster of Health had been forced to carefully evaluate the cost of health care in the Dutch Caribbean and take appropriate action. The Minister has taken as a starting point not to do any interventions in essential care, including care given by general practitioner, hospital and specialist. Yet, the Minister did have to do some limited interventions in the insured package. The major changes that will take effect on 1 January 2013, are that the temporary compensation for the non-recurring sanitation costs in oral care for insured persons aged 18 and older that have existed up to 2012, will disappear.

In addition, there will be no more coverage for orthodontics. The temporary compensation of the first nine physiotherapy sessions which was applicable in 2012 will disappear. The compensation for physiotherapy will still apply starting from the 21st session for those cases which fall under the chronic indication ("de lijst Borst "). In this way, the compensation package is equal to the package in the Netherlands.

Since the Minister chooses for a careful introduction, there will be a transitional arrangement enabling insured persons and caregivers a period of six months to adapt to the changed circumstances. This transitional measure will be developed further in January. Important for insured persons is that the existing agreements, for both oral care and physiotherapy, may be completed, as long as they are concluded before 1 July 2013.


Despite these changes in the coming years there will be more funds for health care in the Dutch Caribbean. It is expected, in the ‘Miljoenennota’ that in the coming years the costs will grow from approximately 96 million dollar in 2013 to 131 million dollar in 2016. With this the fundamental improvement of care in the Dutch Caribbean, is secured.