Minister Pantophlet International Civil Aviation Day Message

Minister Romeo F. Pantophlet would like to wish all those working in the civil aviation business a happy International Civil Aviation Day, Friday, December 07.

The theme for the internationally observed day is "Aviation: Your Reliable Connection to the World."


Minister Pantophlet pointed out that air travel is essential to the wellbeing of the nation where it connects the country with others and allows friends and family members to come together.

At the same time, Minister Pantophlet acknowledged that it also drives the countries’ tourism sector, which in turn generates and stimulates economic activity and creates direct and indirect jobs for those working in the aviation and travel trade sector and the tourism industry overall.

The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is a United Nations (UN) body that takes care of the standards to be maintained in the civil aviation industry. ICAO was formed in the year 1944. The first civil aviation was observed in the year 1994 on 7th December as a mark of 50 years since the founding.

ICAO takes care of the standards and safety measures to be followed for civil aviation industry in the world. ICAO services as the global forum for its 191 Member States.