Road Closure L.B. Scott Road Saturday November 3rd

The Ministry of VROMI, Department of New Projects Development and Planning , on behalf of The Government of St. Maarten is hereby informing the general public of the upcoming road closure in connection with the ongoing project Sewage Line "Ebenezer- A. T. Illidge Road."


On Saturday November 3rd, 2012 from 6:00 am up until 6:00 pm, the L .B. Scott Road will be closed form the entrance of the St. Peters Road up until Messapple Road entrance for through traffic. The works will be carried out during the day hours between the period of 6:00am thru 6:00pm by the main contractor Windward Roads N.V. A temporary detour will be in place from St. Peters Road via Apricot Road towards Messapple road via St. Peters in both directions for motorist using this road.

The works which will be carried out are in conjunction with the ongoing project, Sewage Line "Ebenezer- A. T. Illidge Road" Infrastructure upgrading works for the area, the first phase and second phase of the project has already been executed whereas a main sewer line has been installed alongside the L.B. Scott road connecting to the newly upgraded Sewage Plant located on the A.T. Illidge road.

The Ministry of VROMI, Department of New Projects Development and Planning, on behalf of the Government of St. Maarten is asking all motorists to pay extra attention to the traffic signs and detour route for a smooth and safe transition as the works are being carried out.