Prime Minister Encourages Graduating Students to do well in chosen paths

During a time when many High Schools are having graduation services, the Prime Minister of the St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams encouraged graduating students under the theme of "The past, my heritage; the present, my responsibility; the future, my challenge."


The PM stated that although it has been some time since she has been in the direct sphere of education, but a the same time the challenges faced in education are her concern and the proud moments she experiences profound joy at seeing students graduate.

"Every year, as cohorts of students successfully finish their secondary education, this brings along with it new opportunities, not only for the students, but for the country as well. I encourage all students that during tough times, when they feel as if they have fallen down, to not only get up, but also to learn from their falling downs. If they have issues with what has been left to them (their heritage) and feel mistakes have been made, they have the opportunity to change this, not in the past, but in the present. They are called to leave their own legacy and leave their mark behind for following generations. Challenges are part of life’s journey, overcoming them is what makes us strong and ready to face new challenges. And finally, as graduating students pursue a new career or further their studies, remember doing well is not only good for the individual, but for the entire country, as we continue to build country St. Maarten ‘step by step, block by block’", concluded the Prime Minister.