Ministry of Public Health Social Development & Labor continues Crisis Care training

The Ministry of Public Health Social Development & Labor continued their Crisis Care Training, which started in May, 2012 to a group of civil servants. This three day training, which started on October 24, 2012 and will end on Friday, October 26 is catered for the Departments of Social Services, Collective Prevention Services and Community Development.


The training on 24 hours Crisis Care and Crisis Intervention is geared towards individuals and groups crisis care response during and after emergencies. During the three day training which is facilitated by Psychologist, Aisheline Maduro the participants will be introduced to different aspects of crisis care and crisis intervention. The following topics will be covered: Characteristics of a Crisis Worker; Personality and Crisis; Establishing a Crisis Team; Nonviolent Physical Crisis Intervention; Suicide Intervention; Personality Assessment; Recovery: Trauma, Shock and PTSD amongst other topics.

Some of the general principles of crisis intervention are: Intervene immediately; keep the focus of the intervention on the precipitating situation; Recognize the primacy of taking action; Provide emotional support for the client; Focus on self-concept. Twenty-four hours Crisis Care and Crisis Intervention, which has been implemented is being managed by the Department of Social Services.