Prime Minister expresses Condolences on Passing of Various Members in the Community

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams took the time out of the activities surrounding constitution day to express her deep condolences at the passing of three members of the community.


The Prime Minister expressed her deep sadness and surprise at learning that Bailiff at Court Karl Arndell, affectionately known as Tall Boy, had passed away; "He was a great asset to this community and I express my condolences to his family and friends. I learned of his passing just before the Parliamentary Meeting this morning and on behalf of the Council of Minister I expressed my condolences at the meeting." Commented the PM. T

The Prime Minister also expressed her condolences to the Deputy Prime Minister the Honorable William Marlin and his family regarding the loss of Minister Marlin’s Brother James G. Marlin. The PM continued by stating that she will be showing her support and paying her respects to Mr. Eugene James at the funeral for his late wife Mrs. Jacqueline Kingcade James on Wednesday afternoon. "To Eugene and his family we wish to express our condolences as well. It puts a damper on this day to know that there are families now who are experiencing deep loss and sadness at losing their loved one," concluded the Prime Minister.