CPS: Older people – a new power for development

The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) which is part of the Ministry of Public Health, says October 1, marks International Day of Older Persons. On this day countries around the globe will acknowledge the older persons within their communities.


The theme for this international day is: Older people – a new power for development.

A demographic revolution is underway throughout the world. Today, world-wide, there are around 600 million persons aged 60 years and over; this total will double by 2025 and will reach virtually two billion by 2050 – the vast majority of them in the developing world.

Older people play a critical role through volunteer work, transmitting experience and knowledge, helping their families with caring responsibilities and increasing their participation in the paid labor force.

Contributions made by older persons can only be ensured if older persons enjoy adequate levels of health.

The theme of World Health Day earlier this year was, "Good health adds life to years." Research and studies have shown that good health throughout life can help older men and women lead full and productive lives and be a resource for their families and communities.

As part of the Minister of Public Health’s "Get Checked," campaign, the creation of ‘age-friendly’ physical and social environments can have a big impact on improving the active participation and independence of older people in the communities where they live.

Healthy ageing starts with healthy behaviors in earlier stages of life. These include what we eat, how physically active we are and our levels of exposure to health risks such as those caused by smoking, harmful consumption of alcohol, or exposure to toxic substances.

"Get Checked," it’s never too late to start; for example, the risk of premature death decreases by 50 per cent if someone gives up smoking between 60 and 75 years of age.

International Day of Older Persons is part of CPS’s annual calendar of observances.