UTS supports handicapped awareness

A special committee named" BE ABLE", installed by the Top Promotions Foundation will be hosting an awareness week from November 25 to December 2, 2012.


The foundation’s objectives during this week are to create more awareness for the situation of the disabled on our island and the promotion of sports and other activities for this specific group in our society. UTS committed to the purchase of 10 tickets for the fundraising dinner of the BE ABLE committee of Top Promotions’ foundation, totaling a financial contribution of $1000. The tickets were then offered back to the foundation so that they may make the tickets available to local handicapped athletes and other handicapped persons to attend the event. During the awareness week the foundation wants to offer them more perspective and more social contact. On one hand show the possibilities and on the other hand get them involved not only in sports, but also in social activities like a choir, handicraft club, outings etc.. For that they are dependent and by creating awareness the foundation hopes to activate all kinds of people and groups to organize activities for the disabled. By hearing the life stories of the professional wheel chair players that will be coming to the wheel chair tournament, we hope that this will inspire these specific persons to pursue aim high. The intention is also to educate and inform the general public of the problems disabled persons face on St Maarten, ranging from accessibility to social isolation. The fundraising dinner will be held on Saturday, September 29th at Port De Plaisance. Persons interested in purchasing tickets to the event can contact Krebbers at 542 5103. Visit www.breakingbarrierssxm.com for more information on the upcoming events and the BE ABLE committee of Top Promotion.