ODM Facilitates Hurricane Exercise; Prime Minister Contacts Governor for Military Support

As the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season is about to go into its fourth month, the season has already seen 11 storm systems develop with Tropical Storm Isaac over land in Louisiana and Tropical Storm Kirk in the far North Atlantic Ocean, the latter posing no threat to land at this time.
Disaster Coordinator/Fire Chief Winston Salomon of the Office of Disaster Management (ODM) says that ODM is facilitating the current Hurricane Exercise training that is underway.


Riot training is scheduled for Wednesday evening going into the night in Philipsburg which will also include Voluntary Korps of Sint Maarten and the Red Cross.
On Thursday Emergency Support Function (ESF-4) the Fire Department, will do a cross-training with the Marines.
The exercise started last week under the scenario that a storm was approaching the country. The system intensified over the weekend and on Monday the Prime Minister – who is responsible for Disaster Management – requested military assistance through the Governor.
The objective was to test all procedures. Formal exercise permission was received resulting in a contingent of Marines traveling to Sint Maarten.
The country’s disaster management system comprises of 10 ESFs.
The ODM reminds the community to make sure everybody has everything in place and are storm ready.
Everybody must take the required actions to minimize the risk of injury and damage to property in case there is a hurricane strike, and the time to act is now if you haven’t already.
The remaining names of potential storms for the 2012 season are: Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sandy, Tony, Valerie and William.
The hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30.